Staking? What is it?

Staking is the procedure, typical of blockchains with Proof of Stake consensus, through which one’s own funds are dedicated to active participation in the consensus protocol of the blockchain. Thanks to this participation two very important things are achieved:

  • Remuneration in proportion to other’s delegated funds in the pool.
  • Actively joining the consensus. Securing the blockchain and contributing to the development of technology and blockchain.

In Cardano [ADA], staking, in practice, is the choice of a Staking Pool and the delegation of one’s own funds present on a wallet to the Staking Pool.

The rewards system in Cardano is quite simple: The Staking Pool is elected by consensus to produce N blocks during an epoch (5 days). For each block produced, a reward is assigned to the Staking Pool, which in turn will distribute rewards in an automatic and proportionately fair way to all participants! The current income for a delegator is around 5% annualized distributed every end of epoch.


02/14/2023 – We injected additional liquidity into our Staking Pool [HWL] for a value of approximately 30.000 ADA. Our declared Pledge will therefore increase to 100.000 ADA in two epochs

05/20/2022Old relays are retired, new relays deployed.

03/22/2022Pledge raised to 70k ADA, withdrawal of the public relay con-cardano-relay03, drop2 targeted at 10M and 150 ADA of rewards, small best at the drop portal.

02/15/2022[HWL] participates in Sundae Swap‘s Reverse-ISO. The delegators who stake with us before 19/02 will obtain a quantity of SUNDAE tokens proportional to their stake in ADA.

10/11/2021[HWL] has been chosen by IOG for the next delegation round. 3,3M ADA is the overall sum delegated for this round.

09/06/2021 – We added fourth relay located in Italy: Peering requests for this node are accepted only by Italian nodes!

07/24/2021 – We injected additional liquidity into our Staking Pool [HWL] for a value of approximately 23.000 ADA. Our declared Pledge will therefore increase to 60.000 ADA in two epochs

07/03/2021 – [HWL] Pool elected slot leader for epoch 275 and correctly produced its 2nd block!

06/27/2021Added third relay located in Singapore: Peering requests are always welcome!

06/20/2021 – The airdrop is now live! Regulation and participation at the link:

06/15/2021 – [HWL] Pool elected slot leader for epoch 272 and correctly produced its 1st block!

21/05/2021[HWL] Pool registered in Cardano Blockchain

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